Tuesday, 18 May 2010

A Day in the Sun

I went to visit some chateaux yesterday. It was so agréable to be in the open air on clear roads. Here I am making the chateau at Montpoupon look plus joli.

I am on a new régime, which is making me feel very spritely. I have given up on SP95 because of all that ethanol was giving me hot flushes, and now I am on Sp98. Simon says it makes me faster (cheeky!), but I must admit I feel better for the change.

Thursday, 13 May 2010

One of the Family

Simon took me for une petite sortie this afternoon. Susan wanted to look at some orchids, and as I haven't had a run for a while we thought it would be nice to go out together while the weather was nice.
Simon and Susan called in to l'Image hotel, and parked me next to a cousine of mine. I don't know her - but I do know she is older than me.


Saturday, 1 May 2010

Mes Cousins

While I languish here in Descartes (il est très triste, mes amis) Simon and Susan went to Grand Pressigny and saw some of my cousins.

There were a lot of other breeds of cars there as well - but I was mainly disappointed not to be there with members of my family.